Paul Bossens
Transcript (download)
Goeiemiddag iedereen! Van harte welkom in Brussel voor dit event Stand Up for Nuclear. Het is fantastisch dat we hier als burgers kunnen samenkomen om de Belgische regering en Europa te tonen dat er wel degelijk een groot publiek draagvlak is voor kernenergie. En dit draagvlak groeit snel.Voor ons is nucleaire technologie essentieel om verdere klimaatopwarming tegen te gaan.
Bonjour à tous ! Bienvenu à Bruxelles pour cet événement Stand Up for Nuclear. C'est fantastique que nous puissions nous rassembler ici en tant que citoyens pour montrer au gouvernement Belge et à l'Europe qu'il existe bien un large support public en faveur de l'énergie nucléaire. Et se support public augmente rapidement . Pour nous, la technologie nucléaire est essentiel pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique.
Good afternoon everyone! Welcome everybody here in Brussels to this event: Stand Up for Nuclear. We are so excited to come together here as citizens and show the Belgian government and the European Union that there is indeed a wide public support for nuclear power. And this public support is growing fast. For us, the nuclear technology is essential to stop further global warming.
I would first like to address the Belgian government and in particular our Minister of Energy. At this time when climate has the highest priority it is irresponsible to close down CO2-free nuclear plants and replace them with CO2 emitting gas plants. There is no reasonable way to justify this wrong decision. Nuclear offers us abundant energy that is clean, affordable and reliable. That is all what we need, that is all what we want. Please abolish the nuclear phase out law, keep all nuclear plants that are safe open and start building new ones. Nuclear is the solution for our climate and energy challenges. That is why we want nuclear We will have this in mind during the next elections.
We also have a message for the European Commission: Europe decided to allow subsidizing the construction of these new CO2 emitting gas plants to replace well-functioning CO2 free nuclear plants. That means they allow to subsidize CO2 increase. This is against Europe's climate ambitions This seriously undermines the credibility of Europe's Green Deal and Climate objectives. Please stop discriminating nuclear power from the climate plans. Being against nuclear is a thing from the previous century. For our climate and energy challenges of the 21st century nuclear is the solution Nuclear is the biggest source of energy that is clean, affordable and reliable. This is why Nuclear is the future of energy. That is why we want Nuclear We want nuclear. (all together 3X)
This stand-up is an international initiative. People from several other countries worldwide are present. They will also take the floor this afternoon with exiting stories about nuclear in their country I wish you a pleasant and inspiring afternoon. Because: ….... We want Nuclear